Technical aspects of Data Portability


This session will focus on the technical aspects of data portability. We will present possible ways of implementing data portability as well as demonstrate existing use cases for transferring data from one provider to another. Finally, we will present a common framework for enabling portability of personal data and turning it into an opportunity for innovation and customer relationship.

Data Portability – a risk-free solution?
Frederick Richter, Stiftung Datenschutz – German Foundation for Data Protection

“You will be able just to take your data with you !” – marketing for GDPR´s new right to data portability sounded catchy and simple, but how shall industry cope with this new right of the data subject. In a project, the Stiftung Datenschutz (German Foundation for Data Protection) has examined possible ways of practically implementing of Article 20 of GDPR. Results will be presented and the recommendations discussed.

The Data Transfer Project – Show and Tell Demo
Jessie ‘Chuy’ Chavez, Rachel Tannenbaum, Google

The Data Transfer Project is an open source project developed by Google, and Microsoft, along with Twitter, Facebook and others, making it easy for individuals to transfer/copy data from one online service provider to another.  We will demonstrate various data portability use cases including the transfer of different types of data from one provider to another as well as from one account to another account at that same provider.

Dataccess: portability by data-responsible organizations
Guillaume Jacquart, FING

During this talk we will highlight the results of Dataccess project, led by Fing and Orange, which goal was to provide a common framework for enabling personal data portability. It describes user experience of acting upon the portability right, and gives advice on technical and project lead.

Session is moderated by: Črt Ahlin

Data Portability