
Noora Lähde

Coordinator of Traffic Lab Finland


Noora Lähde is responsible for the coordination of Traffic Lab Finland, which is a forum for mobility and transport services, trials and smart mobility development in Finland. The core idea of Traffic Lab Finland is to enable and encourage for new innovations, trials By and active PPP cooperation. The aim is to create from trials to new services which may end up smoother and more efficient transport, bring growth to the economy and result in better services to the citizens. Lähde has been at transport sector since 2013, including a year in Brussels representing Finnish road transport associations. All kind of future transport innovations and development are within interest of Lähde, who has graduated from the faculty of Social Sciences.

My Sessions

Major Use Cases From Finland


Finland has been hosting MyData conferences ever since 2016. Learn why! Major Finnish players have actually implemented concrete MyData models. Discover how from three use cases to share insights for other countries and regions to develop their personal-data ecosystems.. Trafi-Tilaajavastuu MyData trial Noora Lähde, Finnish Transport Safety Agency Trafi Mika Huhtamäki, Tilaajavastuu What benefits MyData […]
