
Pekka Kahri

Director, Information Services at THL

I have worked as director of the information services department at THL – National Institute for Health and Welfare since 2015. The information services department has 6 units with total of 150 employees working with health & social services data and statistics, eHealth, eWelfare, health IT and interoperability, IT system and information services development. Our role in the institute is horizontal and we work closely with all THL departments and external stakeholders. I have also been responsible for development of customer interaction and harmonisation of data & IT policies THL-wide

My Sessions

MyData kansallinen keruualusta (Finnish Language Session)


We have collected population based Surveys for decades in Finland. Mostly by Statistics Finland and National Institute for Health and Welfare. Moreover, other public sector institutes need interaction platforms to get the data from citizens. In Finland the most of the data collection concerns the patients health records after the contact in social / healthcare. […]
