
Google is a multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. Google was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in Mountain View, California. Today, Google has more than 70 offices in 50 countries and 15 data centers across the world.

Google, like the MyData organization, believes in empowering users with strong data protection tools to give users transparency and control of their data. Google has a long history of innovating in the portability and transparency space, we have been developing and improving for almost a decade, and we also offer to give users transparency into the data Google is storing about them. We are excited to be working on the next generation of data portability tools ( that will hopefully give both Google users, and users across the internet, more control over their personal data. Partnering with the MyData community will give us a valuable opportunity to get feedback on both our approach, and implementation technology involved. We also hope to learn more about, and engage with, other practitioners and researchers in this space. Hopefully by having more collaboration between industry, academics, policy, and advocacy groups, we can improve each others ideas and be more successful in ensuring users across the internet have strong data portability and transparency tools available to them.