
Christopher Olk

Student assistant at Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin

Personal data may be regarded as an unjustly appropriated raw material, as the product of users’ labour, or as an embodiment of social knowledge.


As probably one of the conference’s younger presenters, I have only recently completed my undergraduate studies of philosophy and economics at HU Berlin – of which I have however devoted a major part to thinking about issues like the economics of data monopolies, data as labour, platform capitalism, and what to do about all this. Now that I have found at least some answers to such questions in theory, I am taking up a master’s in Innovation Management at TU Berlin, in order to learn how to set them into practice. At the Humboldt Institute Berlin(www.hiig.de), where I work in a research project on platforms, I met Tuukka Lehtiniemi, who is co-hosting the conference’s OurData track. When he told me about the community and the conference, I knew right away that I needed to go – if not as a presenter, then as a volunteer. Luckily, my rather critical perspective on some assumptions behind the proposal of a user-centric data market got appreciated by the tracks’ hosts, and I hope it will be by its audience as well.

My Sessions

Debating rights & responsibilities


The aim of this session is to think how the move beyond the individual aids in the pooling of data resources for the public good. The issues discussed range from a need to build a collective history, to using technologies in a responsible manner and to data redefined as general intellect. You hear talks from […]

Our Data